The village hall is at the heart of Abriachan community’s cultural life and is a place of welcome to visitors from near and far. It is a beautiful space – a small, traditional building known for its fine acoustics and ceilidhs.
The hall is run by a small committee of local volunteers and is a separate organisation to the Abriachan Forest Trust. The Abriachan Community Facebook page provides regular updates on local news and events. If you would like to receive the Abriachan Community newsletter, click below to sign up, or email abriachanvillagehall@gmail.com.
The hall is available to hire for events, gatherings, private parties, childrens’ parties, tea and coffee mornings, gigs, ceilidhs, music sessions, weddings, wakes, meals, functions, craft fairs, sales, talks, meetings, workshops, classes, as rehearsal space or as location for recording or filming.
Our hire rates are listed here and are reviewed annually. If you would like to make an enquiry, please fill out this booking form below and we will get back to you as soon as we can. For any other enquiries, contact us at abriachanvillagehall@gmail.com
Abriachan Village Hall Charity Number SC021409